Be blessed to be led by the Holy Spirit as your life guide

Is there anyone who is innocent? god called David a man after my own heart
But David is sinful however David ⤵️

Let us live in the fear of God who will light the darkness and see us, not the fear of man.
Our identity yesterday is the blood the Lord took from us today is our right Identity/Identity of Christ we must walk in the presence of God as well as in the world
What makes us different from the world is when we live in the Identity of Christ.

“We go through many changes in life and some of them are easy but many are difficult. But when we are led by the Holy Spirit these changes become easier for us so we can get through them with God’s help!”

What are the main things that lead to sin?

↪️it is poverty
if a person has nothing to eat, he is forced to go to the hana. Is it a sin to steal?
To eliminate this we should not neglect work but try our best to do the worst we can and it is impossible for anyone to eat without working no matter where I live.
So don’t sit and think you will come from small to big but not be when you decide katee God will make you successful be strong you.

A friendship is a relationship between two or more people. If this relationship is based on ethics and truth, it can benefit not only friends but also others. Otherwise, the damage is even worse if it is falsely masked.

Does he really love you from the lips or from the heart? Did he want it from you or did he want you? It is better to identify now than to regret it tomorrow. The truth I tell you is that my love for you is not true because I have said so much with my mouth. I love you more than I tell you I will die for you. That’s why I told you to find out!

A false friend is a poison that looks like medicine. Medicine heals, but poison kills health. That’s what a false friend is like. It looks like medicine, but it is poison. It will heal you, it will kill you, not help you. So stay away from false friendships. People who intend and try to bite you by pretending to be kissing things are not your friends. They are more enemies than enemies.
When you live with a false partner, it doesn’t stop you from sinning and breaking up with God. so Identify such Parents, and stay away from them!

Be blessed to be led by the Holy Spirit as your life guide
There are two identities in this world.
↪️The identity of Adam/Satan
The identity of the devil is Selfishness
Thrown into sorrow because of his selfishness. Adam was deceived and out of life
Adam and Eve rejected God’s idea of ​​sharing /becoming and agreed with Satan’s idea.
Everyone who sins has a satanic identity.
We need to be careful about this
Eph 4/2
Do not give way to Satan
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man
Luke 21/3

↪️The identity of Christ
Blessed be the name of Him who created us in His image and gave us the infant power to live in His identity
Christ sorrow lifted us up, wounded wounded saved us, died death saved us
The identity of Christ is righteous and holy.
Eph 4/23,2

23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
↪️Renewal means to restore something that left its morning shape to its morning shape.
Humanity is to restore this morning or originally abandoned human appearance to its morning place or identity.
By making him take this image of his son. The figure is also

Jesus became man in every way; but he was examined and found guilty; He was the Holy Lamb of God.
1Thess 4/7
7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness

Always pray to God
Prayer is not an option but a Christian duty!
March 1r/38
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

We need to avoid these things in our lives for survival.
1/ Selfishness
2/ Fear of failure
3/ Lack of practical planning
4/ Lack of clear goals
5/ Changes in lifestyle
6/ Postpone what we can do today
7/ Lack of planning/funding
8/ Family responsibilities
9/ Not focusing on anything
10/ Forgetting our vision or goal for temporary gain
11/ Working alone a lot
12/ Think beyond your own strength
13/ Lack of determination
14/ Lack of necessary training
15/ Impatience
16/ Lack of known or practical options.

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