Life is testing Challenges make you strong!

Jireenyi nama qorti
Qormaanni nama jabeecha!

Seenaan maqaan isaayyuu seenaadha. Wanta jireenya keessatti dabarsite darbeera.

yaadattee yaadaan of dhiphisuun dhiphina sammuuti. Waan dabarsite irraa waa baratte. Seenaan ati dabarsite gaarii yoo ta’e itti jirattaa. Waan si qore yookan waan ittin milkoofne yoo ta’e waa si barsiisee darba.

Ati garuu waan dabarsite sana yaadattee achuma teessee boohuu, of dhiphisuu, itti ceephahuu odoon taane, eessattan dogongoree jettee dogoggora keerraa baratta.

Addunyaan si qorti, ati garuu qormaanni si cimsuu qaba. Namni waa dabarse nama jabaadha. Waan dabarsitee waan dabarte keessa jabaachaa, barachaa jiratta. Jireenyatu sani.

Kitaaba tokko keessaa fuulli tokko yoo bahe seenaa kitaba sanaa hin jijjiiru. Inni fuulaa guutuu odoon taane, fuula tokko.

Jireenyillee akkasi. Namni tokko jireenya kee keessaa yoo bahe, waan sin barbaachisneefi. Inni nama tokko malee nama kudha tokko miti. Kan caalutti ceeta waan ta’eef jettee gaarummaatti fudhattee jireenyaa kee itti fufuu qabda.

Life is testing
Challenges make you strong!

History is history in its name. What you have experienced in life has passed.

remembering and worrying about yourself is depression. You learned something from what you went through. If the story you tell is good, you will live it. If it’s something that has tested you or something that we haven’t succeeded in, it will teach you something.

But instead of remembering what you went through and sitting there crying, worrying, blaming yourself, you learn from your mistakes.

The world will test you, but you must be strengthened by the test. A person who has passed on something is a brave person. You’re going through what you’ve been through, you’re getting stronger in what you’ve been through, you’re learning. That’s what life is all about.

If a page appears in a book, it does not change the story of that book. He is not a whole face, but a face.

That’s how life is. If someone leaves your life, it’s because you don’t need them. He is one man, not eleven. You have to take it kindly because you are moving on to better and move on with your life.

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